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Energy Performance Evaluation Methodology Development and Promotion in APEC Economies

Published Date February 2013
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 1560
Pages 89
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In the study, a general energy performance evaluation methodology for industrial enterprises will be developed based on summary and analysis on energy performance evaluation methodologies and practices in APEC economies, to facilitate the implementation of EnMS, establish a long-term energy efficiency improvement mechanism as well as provide support for relevant energy efficiency programs.

According to materials investigation, five economies with their energy performance evaluation programs and a regional program are chosen as objects for the study, and they are:
- Canada
- China
- Japan
- Singapore
1. Introduction
2. Survey on Energy Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Practices in APEC Economies
3. Comparative Analysis on Energy Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Practices in APEC Economies
4. General Energy Performance Evaluation Methodology for Industrial Enterprises
5. Case Study
6. Harmonization and Implementation Suggestion
7. Conclusion