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International Investment Agreements Negotiators Handbook: APEC/UNCTAD MODULES

Published Date May 2013
Type of Publication Manuals
Publication Under CTI Sub-Fora & Industry Dialogues Groups, Investment Expert Group (IEG)
Accessed 10407
Pages 195
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The Handbook aims to provide practical and user-friendly information to negotiators of International Investment Agreements (IIAs) in order to assist them in the decision-making process towards concluding IIAs compatible with national policy objectives. For experienced negotiators, the Handbook offers a quick and practical reminder of the main policy options, issues and implications at stake. For less experienced negotiators and other government officials, it helps to better understand IIAs. Written in plain language, it may also serve as an educational tool for capacity building.
1. Preamble
2. Treaty Scope
3. Standards of Treatment and Protection
4. Flexibilities and Public Policy Exceptions
5. Dispute Settlement
6. Investor Obligations and Responsibilities
7. Not Lowering of Standards Clause
8. Investment Promotion
9. Final Provisions