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APEC Energy Statistics 2011

1497-cover_ewg_Statistics 2011
Published Date December 2013
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 3399
Pages 191
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APEC Energy Statistics 2011 (published in December 2013) is derived from the APEC Energy Database, the purpose of which is to establish a comprehensive and consistent energy database within the APEC region. This database will be used to assist in the identification of significant trends in energy supply and demand consistent with projects and priorities under the APEC Energy Working Group. It is prepared in close cooperation with member economies.

Inquiries about the data should be addressed to The Energy Data and Modelling Center, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan.
The APEC Energy Statistics 2011 consists of the following chapters:

1. Explanation of the APEC Energy Statistics
2. Overview of the APEC Energy Situation
3. Member Economy Tables