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Broadband Network Development for Green Growth

1487-Cover REV_tel_Broadband network development for green growth_30012014
Published Date December 2013
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Telecommunications and Information Working Group (TELWG)
Accessed 2812
Pages 27
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The main objectives of this study report are as follows:
- To analyze the status of broadband network development and the important role it plays in promoting green growth in APEC economies, main problems and challenges the economies are facing in promoting broadband network development for green growth.

- To provide references for developing economies, to promote technology and policy capacity building in developing economies in a view to bridge the digital divide and achieve balanced development in the region.
1. Executive Summary
2. Broadband and Green Growth
3. Broadband Bottlenecks in Developing Region
4. Policy Support Systems about Broadband