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Cost of Healthcare-Associated Infections in APEC Economies: A Review of the Literature

Published Date December 2013
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), CTI Sub-Fora & Industry Dialogues Groups, Health Working Group (HWG), Life Sciences Innovation Forum (LSIF)
Accessed 54610
Pages 45
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This reports aims to add to the dialogue on Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) by assessing the available studies on the costs and length of hospital stay attributable to HAIs in APEC economies. The analysis is conducted in three parts: (1) a search for existing data; (2) an evaluation of the data quality and completeness; and (3) a discussion on future research to inform policy.
Executive Summary
1. Background
2. Searching for data
3. Data quality and completeness
4. Future research needs
5. Summary