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Report on APEC Advanced Training on Marine Spatial Planning for the Pacific Rim

Published Date December 2013
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Ocean and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG)
Accessed 3502
Pages 30
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This report provides a background and summary of the above training held in September 2013.

The objectives of project seek to:
- Enhance the capacity building of the development, implementation of MSP for the Asia Pacific region by sharing experiences and best practices of MSP.
- Understand the marine spatial planning process design & influence on successful implementation, including the question of scale and scope, the topdown & bottom-up approaches etc.
- Get familiar with reconciling the seeming contradiction of multi-stakeholder, multi-objective planning processes through integrating socioeconomic and ecosystem services & trade-offs assessment.
- Discuss the new ideas and technology advance of MSP and disseminate the outputs and outcomes of the self-funded project on “APEC MSP Training Workshop” in 2012.