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Workshop to Support the Development of National Lighting Design Centers in APEC Region

1504-EWG 14_2012A final report-Cover
Published Date December 2013
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 3299
Pages 41
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This report presents the outcome from presentations and discussions, and is organized in three themes 1) The opportunities of lighting design research for sustainable development 2) Research focus areas in APEC region 3) Recommendations on a model for effective lighting design center as well as a framework on next steps for the development of national lighting design centers in interested APEC economies. As part of the framework a supporting system and activities are also proposed in order to assist the developing process as well as to allow for sharing and exchanging resources of lighting research community in the APEC region. Finally, the last chapter reports on main findings from the workshop and the first steps of the development of national lighting centers at KMUTT in Thailand and other three APEC economies.