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Maximizing Energy Efficiency of Supply Chain Connectivity Through Improving Rail-waterway Intermodal Container Transport (RWICT) in APEC Economies

1549-Cover_4a TPT 082012A Final Report_edit_090914
Published Date September 2014
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Transportation Working Group (TPTWG)
Accessed 4879
Pages 83
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The analysis comprises of four sections: section one deals with the current status and trend of RWICT development in the Asia-Pacific region; section two compares RWICT with other transport modes, in the form of rail vs sea and rail vs road, mainly from the perspective of energy consumption; section three proposes suggestions in relation to China’s RWICT and some general recommendations; and section four is equivalent to a mini instruction manual, providing key information for the reference of various parties who intend to get involved in RWICT via the New Eurasia Land Bridge.