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Case Study Report on the Best Practice of Sustainable Investment in APEC Region

1636-Cover_Case Study Report Proceedings_03072015
Published Date July 2015
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under CTI Sub-Fora & Industry Dialogues Groups, Investment Expert Group (IEG)
Accessed 10647
Pages 113
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This report is one of the final results and outputs of the project “Case Studies on the Best Practice of Sustainable Investment in APEC Region (CTI 18 2013T)” which is supported by Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI)/ Investment Experts' Group (IEG), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). The project is designed to, through holding a series of case studies, raise understanding and awareness of opportunities for inclusive development within APEC economies; share experience, lessons and opinions on balancing investment, environmental, and social objectives to increase the public support for free and open trade and investment, thereby creating more new demand and jobs; and share experience on improving the living environment and community livelihood.