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APEC Women as Prime Movers of Inclusive Business

Cover_217_PPWE_APEC Women as Prime Movers of Inclusive Business
Published Date April 2018
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy (PPWE)
Accessed 9138
Pages 105
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While APEC strongly recognises the full potential and contributions of women, reports show that women continue to face many barriers to full and productive participation in various sectors and industries. Thus, the Philippines led the conceptualisation and implementation of the project, Women as Prime Movers of Inclusive Business, which looked into the broader aspect of inclusive business both in theory and in practice, and its effects on women’s economic empowerment through a survey, documentary reviews, and a seminar-workshop to compile success stories and best endeavours of APEC member economies.