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Investments in Natural Gas Supply Chain under the Low Price Environment

Cover_218_EWG_Investments in Natural Gas Supply Chain
Published Date August 2018
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 2010
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There is growing uncertainty surrounding international natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) markets due to the expansion of demand in emerging economies, the slump in crude oil prices, the further introduction of renewable energies, and the growing demand for a flexible LNG supply.  However, securing investment to develop natural gas infrastructure has become more important than ever in order to ensure gas security for the future of the Asia-Pacific region. The natural gas business has low profit margins, and investment in infrastructure also requires long payback periods. As uncertainty over the future market environment is rising, how to secure sustainable investment has become one of the major policy issues for Asia-Pacific economies going forward.

While various natural gas investments are being made in many economies in the Asia-Pacific region, each economy has their own opportunities and challenges. This report further looks into the case studies of gas investments in four Asia-Pacific economies – Australia; Canada; Indonesia and Singapore.