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Assessing the Economic Value of Natural Infrastructure in Coastal Ecosystems for Disaster Risk Reduction, Response and Coastal Resilience in APEC Region

Cover_218_OFWG_Assessing the Economic Value of Natural Infrastructure in Coastal Ecosystems for Disaster Risk Reduction, Response and Coastal Resilience in APEC Region
Published Date September 2018
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Ocean and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG)
Accessed 4778
Pages 77
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The project, Assessing the Economic Value of Natural Coastal Infrastructure in Coastal Ecosystems for Disaster Risk Reduction and Response and Coastal Resilience, aims to increase understanding of the value of natural coastal infrastructure (NCI) to better inform policy decision with regards to the management of coastal resources as well as improve disaster risk reduction strategies.

In this Gap analysis Report a literature review of existing economic valuation methods and studies was conducted. The studies and valuation methods reviewed in the report were undertaken at varying geographic scales and locations, and the applicability and effort required to undertake them varies significantly. Based on a series of identified critical policy and knowledge gaps, the study provides an initial set of recommendations.