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Enhancing Regional Conformity Assessment to Ensure Successful ISO 50001 Standard Outcomes

Cover_218_EWG_Enhancing Regional Conformity Assessment to Ensure Successful ISO 50001 Standard Outcomes
Published Date September 2018
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 1061
Pages 11
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The successful implementation of the ISO 50001 international energy management system (EnMS) standard offers a key energy efficiency strategy to increase the competiveness of APEC economies, meet APEC energy intensity reduction goals, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in key sectors, including manufacturing. Through three workshops and a webinar, this project facilitated technical exchange and training to improve the infrastructures that support successful ISO 50001 implementation, such as efforts to train and qualify ISO 50001 personnel. The project also compiled regional feedback from APEC economies to inform the ISO Technical Committee 301 as it revises the ISO 50001 and related standards.