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Promoting Competitiveness Test of Ex Ante Control of Regulations on Advertising - Sales Promotion

Promoting Competitiveness Test of Ex Ante Control of Regulations on Advertising
Published Date November 2018
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI)
Accessed 4769
Pages 42
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This study addresses the recommendations of the Beijing Action Agenda on Advertising Standards and Practice Development (Action Agenda) endorsed by APEC Leaders in 2014. Furthermore, it directly responds to the Principles for the Government’s role in promoting effective advertising standards endorsed by APEC Ministers in 2015, which provides six principles to promote advertising standards and to meet the APEC Ministers instruction to implement the Beijing Action Agenda.

The study aims to encourage Self-Regulatory Action and Promote Effective Programs by providing APEC economies with an analytical tool to evaluate the impact of regulations in the market, using as case study Peruvian regulations on advertising. In that sense, the Test of Ex Ante Control aims to determine how these regulations affect competitiveness, if they fulfill their stated purposes, and if they affect access to or permanence of the operators in the market.