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Competition Assessment of Regulations: A Pilot Assessment in Viet Nam Using APEC-OECD Framework on Competition Assessment

Cover_219_EC_Competition Assessment of Regulations
Published Date March 2019
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 3443
Pages 58
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This pilot case study aims to showcase the applicability of systematic competition assessment for a developing economy like Viet Nam. In doing so, the report starts by briefly introducing competition policy in Viet Nam. The report then examines selected case studies of sector-specific regulations in transportation, and food and beverages, using the checklist under the APEC-OECD Framework on Competition Assessment. Based on the findings, the report identifies requirements for Viet Nam to effectively adopt the APEC-OECD Framework on Competition Assessment in the rulemaking process. Such requirements include establishing an effective regulatory management system, integrating competition assessment into the policy-making process, and implementing competition assessment of regulations enforcement.