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Traffic Light Score Methodology: A Tool for Ex Post Regulatory Impact Assessment

Cover_219_EC_Traffic Light Score Methodology
Published Date April 2019
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 4400
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This publication aims to evaluate the quality of the Ex Post evaluation of regulations by verifying the content of the three main sections of the Ex Post RIA and provide a final recommendation about the future status of the regulation submitted to an ex-post evaluation analysis.

The Traffic Light Score Methodology (TLSM) seeks to become part of the good regulatory practices inside APEC that contribute to the following impacts in the region: an oversight tool to verify if the regulations are delivering the intended impacts and measuring the real costs and benefits; a systematic feedback on the robustness of the assumptions used in the Ex-Ante RIA, which allows regulators to make adjustments, if necessary, to current regulation; a diagnostic tool to identify and seize improvements on public policies, instead of reacting to external reviews and appraisals.