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The STI Contribution to Policymaking on Natural Disaster Resilience: Better STI, Better Resilience, Better Competitiveness

Cover_219_PPSTI_The STI Contribution to Policymaking on Natural Disaster Resilience
Published Date May 2019
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation (PPSTI)
Accessed 2986
Pages 34
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This project aims to create an ecosystem among APEC economies supporting the connections between policymaking on natural disaster resilience and the contribution thereto provided by science, technology and innovation (STI) – connections that are often deficient in the less-developed economies of APEC.

This report summarises the outcomes of a two-day workshop held in Santiago, Chile on 1-2 of August 2018,  attended by 63 participants from nine economies representing research, industry and government sectors. It presents a set of recommendations that is expected to boost APEC economic integration, and support competitiveness and innovation in APEC economies through better preparedness and resilience policies to cope with disasters of natural origin.