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International Seminar for the Development of the Natural Gas Market: Comprehensive Analysis of Results

Cover_219_EWG_International Seminar for the Development of the Natural Gas Market_Analysis
Published Date June 2019
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 1984
Pages 21
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The International Seminar for the Development of the Natural Gas Market is a platform aimed at achieving integration among the different economies of the APEC region, and whose objective is to increase relations between members through international trade and investment flows, obtain new knowledge, and explore different ways to do business through the exchange of best practices.

This document aims to close such gaps – analysing the possible opportunities of commercial relation between the economies and proposing interrelation measures that contribute with the strengthening of an international market of natural gas – through a cluster analysis based on quantitative and qualitative delimitations, in order to determine compatible economies in terms of commercial, technical and financial cooperation.