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Trade and Human Resources Development: Capacity Building for Inclusive Trade

Cover_219_HRD_Trade and Human Resources Development: Capacity Building for Inclusive Trade
Published Date November 2019
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG)
Accessed 1522
Pages 89
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This report is an outcome of the APEC Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG) project that includes a literature review paper and a one-day symposium held on the sidelines of the APEC Senior Officials' Meeting 2 (SOM 2) in Chile in May 2019. The purpose of the report is to discuss challenges for inclusive trade and present best practices for policy interventions in areas such as trade promotion for MSMEs, active labor market policies, digital skills interventions, and international collaboration. The findings from the literature research and the symposium have been consolidated to a list of common challenges and best practice recommendations for APEC economies to enhance the effectiveness of their trade and HRD policy initiatives and related regional cooperation activities for inclusive trade.