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Reference Guide for Peer Review and Capacity Building on APEC Infrastructure Development and Investment

Cover_219_CTI_Reference Guide for Peer Review and Capacity Building
Published Date December 2019
Type of Publication Manuals
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI)
Accessed 5247
Pages 19
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This guide sets out the principle rules for peer reviews on policies and practices, including relevant laws, regulations and guidelines, relating to the planning, selection, and implementation process of infrastructure projects in the Asia-Pacific region and for capacity building based on the identified needs.

The key elements that ensure the Quality of Infrastructure including “Alignment with Development Strategy/Openness/Transparency/Fiscal Soundness”, “Stability/Safety/Resiliency”, “Economic and Financial Soundness”, “Social and Environmental Sustainability” and “Local High-quality Development” are incorporated in review criteria of the revised reference guide. This guide will be utilized in order to improve the capacity of APEC economies, thereby promoting the Quality of Infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region as a whole.