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Study on APEC's Non-binding Principles for Domestic Regulation of the Services Sector

Cover_220_GOS_APEC Services Transparency Study
Published Date January 2020
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), Group on Services (GOS)
Accessed 5208
Pages 76
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The study on APEC’s Non-Binding Principles for Domestic Regulation of the Services Sector examines the process of developing domestic regulations, focusing on the transparency provisions of APEC’s Non-Binding Domestic Regulation Principles: publishing and making information available, advanced notice and opportunity to comment, and establishment of enquiry points. It is complemented by inputs from an APEC workshop held in Chile in August 2019 and provides an analysis of transparency and predictability principles in select recent trade agreements and initiatives. Preliminary findings present a general outlook of APEC member commitments to transparency principles and challenges and gaps in upholding them.