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Follow-Up Peer Review on Energy Efficiency in Peru

Cover_220_EWG_Follow-Up Peer Review on Energy Efficiency in Peru
Published Date March 2020
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 695
Pages 56
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Energy efficiency is one of the key topics of the APEC Energy Working Group (EWG), and the Peer Review on Energy Efficiency (PREE) has been a core part of EWG’s work to reduce APEC energy intensity. The follow-up PREE in Peru report is the result of a one-week visit of the APEC expert team to Lima where a group of experts held comprehensive discussions on energy efficiency with representatives and experts from government ministries and agencies of Peru.

his follow-up PREE builds up on the original PREE conducted in 2011. While Peru has made significant efforts in developing energy efficiency for the past 20 years, several challenges remain in each of the primary energy consuming sectors. This report contains a set of 47 policy recommendations and analyses Peru’s energy efficiency policies in six critical areas: Institutional framework and policy; goals, targets and data; industry; transport; buildings and appliances; and electricity.