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Capacity Building Workshop Series on APEC e-Instruments Utilization: Series 1 on APEC MSMEs Marketplace Utilization

Cover_220_SME_Capacity Building Workshop Series on APEC e-Instruments Utilization
Published Date May 2020
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG)
Accessed 1324
Pages 60
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This report provides findings from the Capacity Building Workshop Series 1 on APEC MSME Marketplace utilization as well as from the case study developed before the activity. The report includes:

  • scope of export tasks that were explored during case study stage and can be covered by APEC MSME Marketplace;
  • profiles of the best practices;
  • list of contact points of Trade, Export and SMEs Agencies and local service companies from private sector;
  • feedback and recommendations