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Capacity Building to Promote Trade of Products that Replace those with Mercury to Reduce Marine Pollution

Cover_220_OFWG_Capacity Building to Promote Trade of Products that Replace those with Mercury to Reduce Marine Pollution
Published Date June 2020
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Ocean and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG)
Accessed 1773
Pages 13
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This report presents a summary of the discussion from a three-day workshop held in Chile. The objective of the workshop is to build capacity on identifying products that do not contain mercury available in the market which are manufactured, imported and exported by APEC member economies. It aimed to identify cost-effective alternative to replace products with mercury added and which are regulated by the article 3 and 4 of Minamata Convention. The workshop also included discussions on best practice, opportunities and limitations as well as lessons learned for the use of products without mercury added.