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Reducing Risks and Coping with Climate Change Along Coastal Areas: Workshop on Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change and the Role of Public-Private Collaboration

Cover_220_EPWG_Reducing Risks and Coping with Climate Change Along Coastal Areas
Published Date June 2020
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Emergency Preparedness Working Group (EPWG)
Accessed 2607
Pages 24
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This publication highlights the activities carried out along the three day’s event held at Viña del Mar City, Chile from 4-6 November 2019. Participants from the public, private and academic sectors had the opportunity to discuss topics related to reducing risks and coping with climate change along coastal areas. The report outlines the purpose of the workshop, organizational general aspects and development, recommendations and final conclusion. One of the most important conclusions was the importance of improving communication among economies in order to be better prepared when faced with the impacts of climate change in the coastal zone.