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Workshop on Innovative Regulatory Policy Development: APEC Economies’ Approaches on Sharing Economy

Cover_220_EC_Workshop on Innovative Regulatory Policy Development
Published Date July 2020
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 2371
Pages 13
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The sharing economy has been on an exponential growth curve over the last couple of years and has been the subject of considerable interest to the policy makers and stakeholders across the global. The innovations and new business models brought forth by the sharing economy will provide opportunities for higher productivity growth and enhances living standards. However, it also presents risks such as safety, security, workers welfare, etc. These implications have created new challenges for policy makers and regulators on how to regulate this new business model where many of existing regulations may not fit in today’s new business model. This report summarises the sharing sessions and discussions by the experts and participants from APEC economies on best practices and experiences on policy approaches in addressing the sharing economy presented during the Workshop on Innovative Regulatory Policy Development: APEC Economies’ Approaches on Sharing Economy in Putrajaya, Malaysia on 13 and 14 February 2020.