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Government Strategies To Encourage Ethical Business Conduct: A Resource Guide for Economies from the Business Ethics for APEC SMEs Initiative

Cover_220_SME_Government Strategies to Encourage Ethical Business Conduct
Published Date August 2020
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG)
Accessed 1336
Pages 19
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Ethical business conduct is vital to the sustainable growth of APEC economies and the competitiveness of the region’s businesses. High standards in business ethics are crucial to creating an enabling environment for small and medium-sized enterprises, as indicated by APEC Economic Leaders. They also contribute to the sustainable growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, as indicated by APEC Ministers. Ethical business conduct strengthens the quality of and confidence in products and services while fostering innovation by enhancing trusted collaboration and spurring new investment. The collective prosperity of the APEC region is supported when ethical business conduct is implemented through high-standard, sector-specific best practices.

The Business Ethics for APEC SMEs Initiative is pleased to present member economies this resource guide of strategies that governments are already taking around the world to encourage ethical business conduct across six areas:(1) Convening Power, (2) Procurement, (3) Regulatory Practices, (4) Enforcement Recognitions and Incentives, (5) Government Supported Business Ethics Training, and (6) Trade Agreements.