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Next Generation Practices for Services Authorization in the Asia-Pacific Region

Cover_221_GOS_Next Generation Practices for Services Authorization in the Asia-Pacific Region
Published Date January 2021
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), Group on Services (GOS)
Accessed 3615
Pages 33
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This study looks beyond the APEC Non-Binding Principles on Domestic Regulation of the Services Sector to additional practices that support the establishment of sound regulatory environments in the APEC region that allow for the successful development of domestic and international trade in services markets. It sets forth conceptual examples of “next generation” regulatory practices that are new, interesting, and/or innovative; that are resource-saving and suited for developing economies; and that may be an indication of future best practices. Further, this report presents economy case studies highlighting next generation regulations that are currently in practice, emphasizing the beneficial aspects of these practices, and suggesting their appropriateness for adoption in other APEC economies.