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Compendium on Current Practices for Skilled Work Visa Programs in the APEC Region

Cover_221_HRD_Compendium on Current Practices for Skilled Work Visa Programs in the APEC Region
Published Date March 2021
Type of Publication Brochures
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG)
Accessed 1440
Pages 293
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This compendium seeks to promote standards-sharing among APEC member economies by providing a point of reference for specialized visa programs in the region, while highlighting the need for more centralized information regarding these programs in APEC, as the Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG) and the Business Mobility Group (BMG) detected a need for more accessible information on skilled mobility visa programs.

In a context of increasing flows of skilled people among member economies, it is necessary to provide all APEC economies an easy and centralized system to share information. The compendium identifies trends in the skilled work visa information provided by member economies and offers a set of recommendations to enhance regional cooperation and skilled labor mobility in the APEC region.