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Strengthening Women Empowerment in Industry 4.0 through Digital Entrepreneurship Training

Cover_221_SME_Strengthening Women Empowerment in Industry 4.0
Published Date March 2021
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG)
Accessed 1543
Pages 30
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This report presents a summary of discussion from a two-day workshop held in November 2020 covering five main issues: (1) providing digital entrepreneurship skills to help women accessing capital and markets; (2) improving knowledge and understanding of what and how the industry 4.0 brings changes in global trade; (3) sharing experiences and best practices about the success stories of women’s empowerment programs through digital entrepreneurship in APEC economies; (4) supporting inclusive economic development by establishing the formation of female entrepreneur role models that have an impact on global trade; and (5) providing recommendations for APEC’s program on developing women’s capacity through digital entrepreneurship.