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Actualization of Integrated STEM Degree Programs: A Model to Inform, Catalyze, and Shape Inter- and Trans-Disciplinary University Education

221_HRD_Actualization of Integrated STEM Degree Programs
Published Date September 2021
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG)
Accessed 961
Pages 144
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The advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has catalyzed calls for more integrated education to keep abreast with the changing economic and social needs. Globally, new STEM degree programs have emerged to meet such demands. Yet, few offered an authentic integrated STEM education that underscores the importance of connections between two or more STEM disciplines and aligns to the real demands of 4IR in substantive ways to promote more women in STEM.

This report contains the outcomes of the three-day virtual seminar that was held from 23 to 25March 2021 participated by members from the STEM higher education sector in APEC economies. Through the participatory process of engaging in professional dialogues, participants contributed to the pool of knowledge, competencies, and resources supporting the establishment and sustainability of STEM integration. Individual universities may choose to contextualize the findings, recommendations, and the three prototypes that were developed, to their needs. With more and better-quality STEM programs at the university level, it could potentially result in improved quality of human capital to address the demands of the 4IR in STEM and beyond.