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Workshop on APEC Best Practices on Developing Services-related Statistics in Mode 3

Cover_221_CTI_APEC Best Practices on Developing Services-related Statistics in Mode 3
Published Date September 2021
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), Group on Services (GOS)
Accessed 844
Pages 21
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This report contains the summary of all sessions in the Workshop on APEC Best Practices on Developing Services-Related Statistic in Mode 3 held on 29-30 June 2021. The workshop aimed to improve the understanding and capability of statistical services on trade in services by sharing experiences and exchanging best practices among APEC economies.

Discussion during the workshop showed that each economy has a different stage of development in Foreign Affiliates Statistics (FATS) data compilation. Several economies have collected FATS data while the others are still in the process of preparation. Thus, they face some challenges such as coordination among relevant ministries, unavailability and difficulty to collect the data. The discussion concluded that it is essential to build awareness in terms of FATS compilation and utilization to facilitate inter-ministerial coordination and to have a regulation framework which can increase the support from enterprises in providing the related data and ensure its confidentiality.