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Workshop on Fostering Inclusive Digital Economy: Empowering Women through Participation in Digital Start-ups

Cover_221_DESG_Workshop on Fostering Inclusive Digital Economy
Published Date November 2021
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), Digital Economy Steering Group (DESG)
Accessed 946
Pages 30
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This report summarizes the outcomes of the APEC Workshop on Fostering Inclusive Digital Economy: Empowering Women through Participation in Digital Start-ups, held virtually on 17-18 June 2021. The workshop has facilitated sharing knowledge, best practices, and experiences among women entrepreneurs and policymakers to implement effective gender-responsive policies to foster women participation in the digital economy.

Following the discussions, the workshop recommends a multi-pronged approach to promote equal participation and narrow gender gap, among others: (i) improvement of skills, education; (ii) better access to finance; (iii) minimizing gender stereotypes and ingrained socio-economic biases; (iv) maximize labor market participation through policy levers; and (iv) regular measurement and evaluation against achievement.