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APEC Policy Dialogue on SMEs and Entrepreneurship Framework: Let’s be Coherent and Cohesive

Cover_221_SME_APEC Policy Dialogue on SMEs and Entrepreneurship Framework
Published Date December 2021
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG)
Accessed 1033
Pages 29
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The APEC Policy Dialogue on SMEs and Entrepreneurship Framework: Let’s be Coherent and Cohesive was held virtually from 7 – 9 September 2021. The program was supported by the active participation of moderators, speakers, focal points and participants from APEC member economies.

The three-day program comprised:

  1. Panel dialogue among public and private sector to share best practices in formulating comprehensive SMEs and entrepreneurship policies;
  2. Breakout sessions based on six focus areas namely innovation and technology adoption, human capital development, access to financing, market access, legal and regulatory environment, and infrastructure; and
  3. Roundtable discussion to deliberate and produce policy recommendations on the six focus areas as a basis for an APEC entrepreneurship policy framework.

The 3-day interactive sharing has been effective in meeting its purpose in developing a set of inclusive and comprehensive SMEs and entrepreneurship policy guidelines which can be emulated throughout the APEC economies.