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APEC Workshop on Enhancing Participation in Flood Disaster Preparedness through Community-based Hazard Mapping

Cover_221_EPWG_APEC Workshop on Enhancing Participation in Flood Disaster Preparedness
Published Date December 2021
Type of Publication Manuals
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Emergency Preparedness Working Group (EPWG)
Accessed 1145
Pages 84
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This manual originated from materials presented at the APEC Workshop on Enhancing Participation in Flood Disaster Preparedness through Community-based Hazard Mapping conducted virtually from 15 - 24 June 2021. It was developed to assist trainers in organizing and conducting a Training for Trainers on the Town Watching approach at the economy level. The objective of the training in the Town Watching approach is:

  • To enhance the capacity of community trainers to enhance community resilience towards flood disasters, to address the issue of increasing flood risk as result of climate change and growing human settlements in flood-prone areas;
  • To share and create ownership by providing tools for developing community-based maps and preparedness procedures using the Town Watching approach; and
  • To empower participants to implement the methodology during the workshop and propose a plan for similar training and dissemination in their locality.