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Digital Tools for Addressing Infectious Diseases in the Asia-Pacific Region: Challenges and Opportunities

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Published Date December 2021
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Health Working Group (HWG)
Accessed 761
Pages 31
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Infectious diseases continue to threaten human health and economic stability in the Asia-Pacific region. Gaps in capacities of infectious disease surveillance in the APEC region challenge the region’s surveillance network to better respond to threats posed by infectious diseases. Digital technologies and artificial intelligence can support the diverse needs and approaches for early warning, forecasting epidemics, improving decision-making in outbreak response and simulation tools.

This report outlines the discussions from a workshop held under the project Digital Tools for Addressing Infectious Disease in the Asia-Pacific Region: Challenges and Opportunities. The virtual conference consisted of four sessions including (1) Surveillance: Detection, Forecasting and Risk Assessments; (2) Response: Resources, Allocation and Mobilization; (3) Innovation and Collaboration: Industry, Academia, Government; and (4) Data Privacy and Protection.