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Trade in Remanufactured Goods in APEC: The Case of Refurbished Medical Imaging Devices

Cover_221_MAG_Trade in Remanufactured Goods in APEC_r
Published Date December 2021
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), Market Access Group (MAG)
Accessed 2523
Pages 29
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Given the relevance and benefits of refurbished medical devices to APEC economies, this report aims to reemphasize the importance of remanufactured goods to the APEC region through the lens of refurbished medical devices. The benefits and treatment of refurbished medical devices are consistent with those of a broader category of remanufactured goods, as promoted by the APEC Market Access Group Pathfinder initiative launched in 2011, and the APEC economies chosen for the case studies (Malaysia; Thailand; United States; and Viet Nam) illustrate varying degrees of openness to the importance of trade of refurbished medical devices and the current state-of-play for market access of refurbished medical devices across the APEC region.