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APEC Risk Management Guide for MSMEs

Cover_222_EPWG_APEC Risk Management Guide for MSMEs
Published Date January 2022
Type of Publication Manuals
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Emergency Preparedness Working Group (EPWG)
Accessed 1407
Pages 32
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This risk management guide provides step-by-step guidelines on risk management process and risk management strategies for MSMEs business owners. The main objective of the guide is to encourage better preparedness against disaster risks among MSMEs in the region. This guide highlights three topics in risk management:

  1. The importance of risk management to MSMEs;
  2. Risk Management framework which includes explanation on Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, APEC DRR Framework and ISO 31000 Risk Management Guidelines; and
  3. Four steps in risk management process