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Women’s Leadership in the Digital Era: Agility, Adaptability and Fluency

Cover_222_PPWE_Women’s Leadership in the Digital Era
Published Date January 2022
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy (PPWE)
Accessed 1170
Pages 33
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This project is designed to provide capacity building activities benefiting the APEC economies with lessons applicable to women’s digital leadership. The project aims to contribute to the efforts in mitigating the leadership gender gap by enhancing digital literacy among women and providing a platform for learning and exchanging knowledge in developing digital leadership.

The Women's Leadership in the Digital Era: Agility, Adaptability and Fluency report summarizes the key points discussed and recommendations obtained during a virtual conference held on 20-21 October 2021. The discussion focuses on how COVID-19 pandemic has created a high dependency on digital technology and impacted disadvantaged women and expanded the existing gender gap. However, digitalization indeed provides great opportunities and advantages for people who are educated, digitally literate and advanced in ICT skills. Thus, women are recommended to aggressively embrace and adapt to the technology with the help of inclusive policies and conducive infrastructures.