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Handbook on Developing Community-Based Entrepreneurship (CBE) in Rural Tourism through Digital Empowerment

Cover_222_TWG_Handbook on Developing Community-Based Entrepreneurship in Rural Tourism
Published Date February 2022
Type of Publication Manuals
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Tourism Working Group (TWG)
Accessed 1495
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This handbook is prepared for reference to enhance community-based entrepreneurship in rural tourism by empowering digitalization. It provides information on community-based entrepreneurship, community-based tourism and entrepreneurship digitalization. Specifically, this handbook is divided into five sections: (1) community-based entrepreneurship; (2) overview of the community-based entrepreneurship (CBE) in rural tourism through digital empowerment; (3) the framework of CBE in rural tourism through digital empowerment with factors and enablers towards digitalization of rural tourism; (4) best practice of CBE in community-based tourism from APEC economies case studies; (5) best practice on digitalization in rural tourism.