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Follow-Up Peer Review on Energy Efficiency in Indonesia

Cover_222_EWG_PREE Indonesia
Published Date June 2022
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 537
Pages 76
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Energy efficiency remains an essential component of modern energy policy and is an indispensable tool for low carbon energy transitions. It is one of the key topics of the APEC Energy Working Group. The Peer Review on Energy Efficiency (PREE) has been a core part of the EWG’s work to promote improvements in APEC energy intensity since its inception in 2007.

The follow-up PREE in Indonesia report provides energy efficiency recommendations for Indonesia by an APEC Review Team and builds on the recommendations in the initial PREE Indonesia report, published in 2012. The report was also informed by an online event that featured presentations by Indonesian government officials on energy issue, held in November 2021.

This report contains a set of 40 recommendations in six areas: Industry; transport; buildings; appliances; electricity; and institutional framework and other cross-cultural issues.