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Learning Workshop in Artificial Intelligence: Experiences of APEC Economies

Cover_222_TEL_Learning Workshop in Artificial Intelligence
Published Date June 2022
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Telecommunications and Information Working Group (TELWG)
Accessed 1509
Pages 43
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This publication presents the outcomes of the Learning Workshop in Artificial Intelligence - Experiences of APEC Economies that took place from 6-9 December 2020. It addresses Artificial Intelligence from the governance and policy perspective, including presentations and commentaries regarding risks and opportunities for APEC economies; proposals for how AI can help small and medium enterprises; the infrastructure challenges for AI and its relationship with 5G and IoT; and issues surrounding cybersecurity. The report also summarizes the information provided by the APEC economies regarding their approaches to AI and suggestions to strengthen cooperation and development of good practices.