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Promote Supply Chain Connectivity by Enhancing and Better Understanding Digital Innovation in APEC Port Industry

Cover_222_TPT_Promote Supply Chain Connectivity by Enhancing and Better Understanding Digital Innovation in APEC Port Industry
Published Date June 2022
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Transportation Working Group (TPTWG)
Accessed 675
Pages 100
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In line with the 2018-2021 Strategic Plan of the APEC TPTWG, following desk research, stakeholder consultation, and a final workshop, the study aims to document the status of port digitalization in the APEC region. An port digitalization assessment framework, referred to as the port digital scorecard (PDS), formed the basis of a survey to which 26 ports from 10 APEC economies have responded. 

The results of the study brought forward that most of the ports have a digital strategy in place and digitalization has moved high to the agenda of port managers in APEC. Bottlenecks to accelerate port digitalization concern: human capital development; data standardization; budget restrictions; and elements of the technological ecosystem (i.e. port community systems). Out of all recommendations, improving knowledge infrastructure could play a key role in addressing bottlenecks to accelerate the digitalization journey of APEC ports.