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Study on Transparency of Technical Barriers to Trade Notifications in the APEC Region

Cover_222_CTI_Study on Transparency of Technical Barriers to Trade Notifications in the APEC Region
Published Date June 2022
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI)
Accessed 516
Pages 66
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This study is part of Peru’s Initiative on Promoting Transparency of Technical Barriers to Trade World Trade Organization Notifications: Improving Completeness and Clearness of Information. It aims to evaluate the completeness and clearness of the information provided by APEC members in accordance with the WTO TBT Enquiry Point Guide: Making Transparency Work (2018) and Decisions and Recommendations adopted by the WTO TBT Committee (G/TBT/1/Rev.14). The scope of this study includes a representative sample of regular and emergency notifications, and their respective addenda and corrigenda; submitted by APEC economies between 2015 and 2019. It also includes a questionnaire to evaluate private sector experiences on the matter. Results show that there is an acceptable level of compatibility by APEC economies with WTO recommendations; however, there is room for improvement regarding the information submitted by APEC economies in specific items in the TBT notifications.