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Knowledge Note: Rejuvenating Cities and Resilience Capacities for Multi-Challenges of COVID-19 Pandemic, Extreme Weather Events and Climate-Induced Disaster

Cover_222_EPWG_Rejuvenating Cities and Resilience Capacities_Knowledge Note
Published Date August 2022
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Emergency Preparedness Working Group (EPWG)
Accessed 847
Pages 14
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This Knowledge Note seeks to amplify the views and experiences articulated in a series of consultations, online surveys with APEC member economies, key informant interviews, literature reviews, and a webinar event. It aims to be useful to all relevant policymakers and operational actors in the APEC economies, and presents the complexity and diversity of opinions within the sector and economies, and for each theme, the inputs of consultation have been supplemented with background information pertinent to each topic with recommendations. It is structured to discuss the following focus areas:

  1. Integrated Risk and Resilience Governance
  2. Risk Assessments on Current and Future Risk Scenarios
  3. Financial Capacity for Disaster Resilience
  4. Towards Resilient Urban Development
  5. Safeguarding Natural Ecosystems in Building Resilience
  6. Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Resilience
  7. Understanding and Strengthening Societal Capacity for Resilience
  8. Increasing Infrastructure Resilience
  9. Ensuring Effective Disaster Response and Response Preparedness
  10. Expediting Recovery and Building Back Better