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Performance Assessment of Mental Health Rehabilitation to Combat the 4th Wave of COVID-19

Cover_222_HWG_Performance Assessment of Mental Health Rehabilitation
Published Date October 2022
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Health Working Group (HWG)
Accessed 774
Pages 170
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The report presents the review and situation analysis, summary of the assessment result, detail of the workshop, project evaluation survey result, and recommendations gathered from the web conference titled, Performance Assessment of Mental Health Rehabilitation to Combat the 4th wave of Covid-19.

The conference brought APEC member economies together to share, strengthen, maintain, and develop knowledge, skill, and technical know-how in addressing mental health rehabilitation to recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic through a resilience program as well as discussing opportunities and challenges of implementing the program to the community under unique social contexts. The conference explored potential cooperation opportunities among member economies to collaborate and share knowledge on the resilience program.