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15th Conference on Good Regulatory Practice (GRP 15)

Cover_222_EC_15th Conference on Good Regulatory Practice
Published Date November 2022
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 355
Pages 20
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This report presents a discussion summary of the 15th Conference on Good Regulatory Practice (GRP 15) held in August 2022. The conference highlighted the application of good regulatory practices to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic and to accelerate post COVID-19 recovery, regulatory measures and reforms that facilitate the use of digital technology, and the use of GRP processes to support the transformation of the economy for swift, resilient, inclusive, green and innovative recovery.

This report puts forward five key recommendations for APEC economies: 1) review and evaluate their COVID-19 responses in terms of their necessity, proportionality, and impacts, as well as promote the sharing of lessons learned and good practices in crisis responses among APEC; 2) adapt traditional regulatory management tools to better accommodate unprecedented circumstances; 3) embed international regulatory cooperation (IRC) approaches into their domestic framework; 4) enable greater experimentation to promote innovation through the piloting of new tools such as regulatory sandboxes; and 5) promote the use of digital technologies in regulatory affairs.