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APEC Advanced Vehicles Regulations and Standards

Cover_222_AD_APEC Advanced Vehicles Regulations and Standards
Published Date December 2022
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), Automotive Dialogue (AD)
Accessed 1336
Pages 42
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This current report builds on a 2014 study and a 2018 update which provided an overview of electric vehicle regulations and standards. The report includes a further update and expansion of these earlier studies, detailing electric vehicles (EVs) and autonomous vehicles (AVs) and why they are important, highlighting current and planned standards and regulations for EVs and AVs among APEC economies and international organizations, and introducing a self-assessment tool. The self-assessment tool can help APEC economies to identify areas with the greatest potential for improvement and focused technical assistance efforts. The self-assessment tool comes with details on how to answer the relevant questions to complete the self-assessment. The recommendations in this report along with the self-assessment tool can help APEC economies identify areas where further work in regulations and standards is most needed and to build the capability necessary for developing and managing them.