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APEC Cities and Built Environments (BE) Strategy: Building Back Better in the Post COVID-19

Cover_222_EPWG_APEC Cities and Built Environments Strategy
Published Date December 2022
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Emergency Preparedness Working Group (EPWG)
Accessed 1033
Pages 89
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This report presents the summary for the project, APEC Cities and Built Environments (BE) Strategy: Building Back Better in the Post COVID-19, carried out in 2022. It involves four research methods: a systematic literature review to identify the issues and challenges related to COVID-19 and cities and built environments, interviews and case studies on a selected APEC member economy’s city for the lesson learned, virtual workshop to discuss the situation and best practices from other member economies, and scenario planning and analysis to understand the plausible futures of APEC cities and built environments post-COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, it developed recommendations strategy for APEC cities and built environments post pandemic.