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Model Schedule of Commitments for Environmental and Environmentally Related Services

Cover_222_GOS_Model Schedule of Commitments for Environmental and Environmentally Related Services
Published Date December 2022
Type of Publication Manuals
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), Group on Services (GOS)
Accessed 457
Pages 44
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This publication comprises a model positive list schedule of commitments, drawing on the APEC Reference List of Environmental and Environmentally Related Services, alongside some brief explanatory notes to contextualize the model schedule (including ways in which it could be used and how it works), and an annex that illustrates the relationship between WTO Services Sectoral Classification List (W/120 List) and the APEC Reference List of Environmental and Environmentally Related Services.

As such, this publication is a standalone resource that could be used by economies when they negotiate services commitments on environmental and environmentally related services in FTAs/RTAs, tailoring it to their own individual circumstances.